When the number of revolutions of the magnetic separator is smaller, the mineral raw materials that can be processed are less, and the output of magnetic separation becomes lower. In addition, the number of revolutions also has a certain impact on the magnetic separation concentrate. With a large number of revolutions of a magnetic separator, the frequency of adsorption of gangues and conjoined bodies with small magnetic properties by the magnet is greatly reduced. Will be selected, which effectively improves the quality of the concentrate and reduces the recovery rate of minerals.
When the magnetic separator is running at a very high speed, the rotation of the barrel of the device will increase, and the number of times of magnetic separation of the minerals in the magnetic separation tank will increase, correspondingly increasing the probability of being attracted by the magnet. When the centrifugal force generated by the cylinder becomes larger, the centrifugal force received by the ore particles also becomes larger, and the processing capacity is relatively significantly improved.
The intensity of the magnetic field generated on the cylinder of the magnetic separator is classified according to the magnetic properties of the minerals. The usable concentrate from the minerals is selected to achieve the purpose of beneficiation. Therefore, it is necessary to select a suitable magnetic separator according to the magnetic properties of the mineral and the taste and output requirements of the magnetic separation products, and adjust the speed of the magnetic separator to the maximum and optimal number of revolutions as far as possible to ensure that the magnetic separator has a Good magnetic separation effect.